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Quantum Quest - an entertaining movie that educates and inspires, starring Chris Pine, Samual Jackson , Hayden Christensen,Amanda Peet, Neil Armstrong and More..

The Film

Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey is an animated, 3D, CGI Large Format film from Digimax, Inc. and Jupiter 9 Productions.

Voice Cast

Christ Pine, Mark Hamill, Samuel Jackson, Tom Kenny, and Jason Alexander are just a few of the stars that make up the cast.


We want to educate kids globally about the importance and wonders of science. As part of our educational outreach program, the actors of the film have participated in creating Quantum Quest Ed-clips


The program has been endorsed by organizations such as NASA, NSTA, AAPT, AMF, ISU, X-Prize Foundation, Challenger Center and others.

Produced by Jupiter 9 Productions

The movie was produced by Jupiter 9 Productions and Digimax

Educational Materials

Educational Materials are available from this site for download.